What is Clear Lens Extraction?
CLE is a procedure similar to cataract surgery, in which an ophthalmologist will remove the natural lens of your eye and replace it with an artificial lens. This lens implant corrects your prescription inside your eye, eliminating your dependence on glasses or contacts.

How To Use Your Eye Drops
Using eye drops or eye ointment, especially for those who are unfamiliar with touching their eyes, can be difficult and frustrating. However, with a couple of tips, tricks, and practice, anyone can learn how to put eye drops in their eyes with ease. Want to learn how to put eye drops in?
Lifestyle Choices You Should Incorporate in Your Glaucoma Management
While lifestyle changes alone are not sufficient, patients can better control their glaucoma with these tips!

Why you should think twice about getting eyelash extensions
Are you thinking about getting lash extensions? Read this article before considering putting your eyes at risk.